Finding My Tribe
Life wasn't a sun-drenched tropical beach for this adopted Aussie girl. Growing up, I felt the sting of "otherness," the sting of curious (but often hurtful) questions about my heritage. It planted a seed of wanderlust, a yearning to find my place in the world, a tribe that truly understood. Leaving the comfort of a 'normal' life, at just 16, I set out to live life to the fullest. As the youngest and most tenacious 17 yr old I became the youngest person to work in ANZ Bank. Imagining how glam a bank teller role would be, was a far cry from the reality of counting change and doing telegraphic transfers. It did however spark a thirst for more. More excitement, more fun, more creativity, and more vibrancy.

​The Escape and the Spark
At 18, with a rebellious spirit and a heart full of dreams, I fled the confines of my small town for the vibrant shores of Sydney. This wasn't just a change of scenery; it was the start of my hero's journey. Discovering the unknown and reinventing my life away from my stuffy town where I felt like an outcast. Finding my home on the Northern Beaches, I connected with so many other South Americans and suddenly, I wasn't weird or even different... I was just one of many South Americans living on the northern beaches. In fact, my lack of Spanish made me Aussie in their eyes. A complete contrast from being called 'aboriginal' like it was a bad thing, by people who clearly didn't know the difference. In connecting with my soul tribe suddenly I was around other more worldy people with a thirst for adventure and living life to its fullest. They knew the struggle to get out of South America, the complete separation between those who lived on the street and starved compared to those born into wealth.
The Hero Within
My experiences became a masterclass in the hero's journey. While selling credit cards in a shopping centre for Citibank and American Express I got poached by the State Manager of a well known men's clothing Brand to become a Sales Manager. Having no experience managing a team, but also thrilled at the opportunity, I accepted the offer. The role soon grew from running one store, to multiple sites across Sydney. Learning fast on my feet, living in the big smoke, I was living a journey that combined embracing discomfort, facing challenges head-on, and constantly evolving – this was the path to self-discovery. I learned my core values, my purpose, and how to harness the unwavering strength that resided within me.

The Unexpected Detour
My career path wasn't a straight line. From the rush of sales, I moved to events and marketing. I thrived in the creativity and problem solving required to win people over, get their business, fulfil their vision and then communicate that vision to others in meaningful ways using tehnology and influential communication. Having been so plugged into my creativity, and relationship building, my experiences lead me to the fast-paced world of start-ups. The unexpected turn from sales to start-up world is that any true creative should consider. I started channeling my sales, marketing, and social media expertise into small business and start-ups not big enough to have their own internal marketing, PR and brand management teams. I was always searching for something more meaningful.
Empowering Others
I met Esther in a bar one day. This funny, nerdy quiet girl and I got a chatting. We realised we wanted the same things and time on our own terms. We both were solo mums and wanted to have enough time to be more available for our kids. With Esthers expertise in brand management, crisis management, Web design, analysis and SEO combined with my brand strategy and marketing skills, we quickly realised that we could provide the ultimate CPR to any business (brand new or established and looking for a refresh). If you have the finances to back your business or idea, we provide a solid brand strategy, custom website and two virtual board members who will help you on standby to fix your business. Together we guide other female entrepreneurs on their own individual hero's journeys. Together, we redefine their brand narratives, rewrite their success stories, and build legacies that leave a positive impact on the world.